
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Major Update 0.13.982 - March 13th 2015

- Goblin dice should work correctly.
- Phantom numbers being left behind for quantities in inventory screens.
- Mega-chests still causing item doubleup
- Items inserted into bank need to stack automatically
- Weapon/Armour rack message needs to be corrected if the item in question is sent to the bank.
- Disarmed magical traps in tombs using incorrect texture
- Mega chests need to give level-appropriate gear in level-locked dungeons.
- Factor lower-level monsters into XP gained. Killing a level 1 monster at level 10 shouldn't give you full XP.
- Weapon and armour racks need to give level-appropriate gear in level-locked dungeons.
- Get banks working
- BANKS - Auto-adding an item when your inventory is too full doesn't remove the item from the container.
- Level-locked gear sometimes not being appropriately balanced.
- BALANCING - Set all monster balancing at dungeon start, and don't change it, even after leaving or portalling.
- BANKS - Issues with stackable items being deposited/withdrawn
- Create balance based off highest powered, level appropriate gear in inv, not just held.
- Level-locked armour sometimes being odd
- NEW ONLINE FUNCTIONALITY - Revisit interface to be clearer on what will happen.
- Cleanse quests need to match difficulty level
- Distribute shops more evenly.
- Doubling up of certain kinds of collected loot to inventory? (only since add-to-bank)
- BANKS - Players not being debited for withdrawal
- Adjust monster spawning to be for quest-only target dungeons.
- NEW ONLINE FUNCTIONALITY - Permadeath corpses should only be visible to permadeath players
- Fix overrides for subterranean monster spawning to ALWAYS refer to DDM offset file data.
- Level-ups causing on-the-spot buffing of dungeon?
- BANKS - Make banks more commonly found.
- BANKS - New characters who have never sorted their inventory have phantom numbers on blank spaces in the deposit screen.
- BANKS - 1 phantom highlight in the withdraw screen, middle column 2nd from bottom. Selecting this will also hilight the first empty square after your banked items.
- BANKS - 'Select all on page' button
- BANKS - Counter for items in inventory stuck on zero.
- NEW ONLINE FUNCTIONALITY - Immediately starting new game doesn't refresh from server.
- BANKS - Can't see if an item is magical or too high a level in deposit or withdraw screens.
- Add shift-hover info for Blatherbeard's Brew in inventory
- Fix disarmed trap texture glitches in mines and tombs.
- BANKS - Hilight worn gear in deposit screen
- BANKS - Can't deposit/withdraw Ankhs, Ankh segments or enchanted items.
- Re-analyze goblin dice randomization.
- BANKS - Add correct loot descriptions on shift+hover popup (copy from Inventory)
- BANKS - Incorrect page reference numbers on withdraw screen.
- Town buildings shouldn't spawn too close to the portal and kiosk
- Array out of bounds crash while scrolling through spell list??
- Looting a corpse which a monster is standing on can sometimes delete the living monster rather than the corpse!
- Portal icon not showing in towns? Investigate!
- BANKS - Filtered item location indices are not lining up correctly
- BANKS - Items not removing from bank correctly after withdrawal
- BANKS - Consolidation of bank items leads to loss of items.
- BANKS - If you change filters without withdrawing, then withdraw, the items you had selected using the previous filter disappear completely.
- BANKS - Add items to your bank account when your inventory is full. Add banner to show that's where the item went.
- BANKS - Filtering can cause items to disappear
- Portals missing from towns?
- Mechanical and poison traps are able to share the same square, but shouldn't.
- If you have a full inventory when you collect a quest reward, you get nothing!

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