
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Beta launch update submitted Feb 3rd 2013

Beta launch update submitted Feb 3rd 2013

- Cleanse quests not being rewarded
- Tower placement needs to be more centralized to avoid only partial creation
- If speaking to an NPC that you've already got a quest from, option 2 should show up as "about that quest you gave me..."
- Quest should guide you back to giver of quest when seeking reward
- Minor heal possibly not working 100% of the time? Need to look into.
- Change percentage chances for different shop types spawning
- Sky system not generated correctly when loading a saved game from inside of a town
- Disable all magic use in towns
- Crash when buying too many potions at temples!
- Resting in a tavern will always have you wake up at 9am the next morning
- Occasional crash when loading saved game due to player avatar
- Crash when switching UI modes
- Memory leak causing various missing object/image errors...
- Add external launcher with options menu, rather than having it in game
- Dungeons STILL generating on chunk borders (possibly only mines)
- Add failsafe check for unsupported bitmodes
- Ruins still occasionally don't have doors when they should
- Holes still occasionally appearing in town walls (let's hope I got it this time)
- Groundwork for next lot of super secret functionality
- Re-align portraits in full UI mode
- Overlay character level on portrait in Blacksmith buy screen
- Mark currently worn items on Blacksmith menu
- NPCs still get in the way in towns (alleyways with diagonal building placements and some building doors)
- Name of dungeon doesn't always show up on dungeon map (usually after save)
- Found and fixed another memory leak :D
- Image mismatch error with female armour
- Town names not displaying properly when towns are adjacent. Need to do a check for town in current chunk as the very last name check action
- Increase odds of finding a quest
- In mines, all crates should be smashable
- Don't allow people to click on stairs up or down while on the same square as the stairs
- In mines, minimaps shouldn't show up non-interactive kitsch
- Once all gems are used on a trap, it should stay permanently active
- Track a stat of how many special locations a person has discovered
- Add movement distance
- Add play length counter
- Add failsafes for health and mana potions to prevent use when that stat is full
- Hilight unusable items (due to level) in red
- Click sound on all menu options
- Add glow around magical weapons
- You should be told what you've gotten as a reward for quests
- Show price for services in stores
- Can't use SPACE when creating character name
- All towns should have at least a tavern and general store
- Popup messages can be closed with ESC key
- If no gems left in a trap, trying to disarm it should pop up a menu saying "can't disarm"
- Trap locks won't disarm a trap with zero gems left in it!
- NPCs not responding to dialogue... I'll fix it tomorrow!
- Monsters spawning with incorrect asset ID tag
- Still having attack swings show up as black sometimes
- MOAR ESCAPE KEY!!1!!!11!!!one!!!
- Add support for foreign keyboard layouts (could be solved with settable keys)
- Monster asset codes in countryside are aligning with countryside objects! Check monster asset codes upon creation in countryside!
- Objects in countryside having wrong shaders applied from time to time...
- A turn won't end if you fail to cast a spell due to not enough mana
- More stuff to buy in temples (including more potions)
- After killing a countryside monster, the loot screen shows up every time you click
- Pack game into proper installation package
- Tweak stat balancing (safe to be a little bit more of a spell spammer)
- Second bit of super secret online functionality
- Disregard grass while clicking on overland features
- Rare floating countyside objects
- Foliage can occasionally block dungeon entrances!
- CON stat still being unfairly modified
- No intro cinematics
- Shop persistence
- Shop stocks should only replenish after a certain amount of time

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